Simply Being You Can Change A Life Forever
An unexpected request from a teacher I had 30 years ago, lead me to walk down memory lane, today. The request was to write a letter to another person, Joyce, whose talents and creativity had an influence me and many others. The intended surprise for Joyce was to compile letters from those she has influenced by naturally being herself and in return the letters will lift her spirits and give her renewed affirmation of her worth. Barnes and Noble café and a table by the window provided a nice atmosphere to rediscover the memories in the back of my mind. A Starbuck Caramel Frappuccino (with no whipped Cream), provided me company and I was able to jot my thoughts down on the inspirational paper I had chosen to use as the backdrop for me letter. This woman had only influenced my life in a 3 year period of time for only about 3 months each year. What an impact she did have on me. She made me feel special because she believed in ...